so basicly i looked at loads of different artists, old and modern, showing different stlye that would help me get ideas for my project
i found that looking at artists like ~Patrick Calfield (pop artist) influenced me the most where the bold and bright but pastel colours really helped my work to be its best but it was also influenced by other artist.
i came up with a range of thumbnails showing quick ideas, i found it heard to get the quick dodos on photoshop, as what works on paper doesn't necessarily work on a computer.
some of then did work but needed improving this is the one i came up with and improved

i really like this design
it just needed that extra thing,
it want quiet finished and to
the best of its ability
i then improved it to have
move negative space with
the design i really like this
but i know it needed
something more

i then improved these designs and
showed people around my class
they gave me advice to inprove it more
this is what i had right now

i then came up with these 2 which
so far are the best and are being
changed slightly to be my finals
both showing something different
possitive space and negative space