Thursday, 26 July 2012

Summer Project

After a big mistake of putting Catherine's hair dye all over the wall, and after telling my boss, shes kindly let me do what i want 8D
 Wall with hair dye
 After i had panicked and painted over it with gouache
 the wall as was before
 After one coat of white matt paint
The Big Start !!!!

My summer project, my plan is to doodle all over the wall, giving it a feature look, so my aim is to do about an hour a day if i can fit it in around work to draw on the wall, this is also going to be a small challenge for me as I'm used to filling A4 sheets of paper with my doodles, this will certainly keep me entertained until the 2 months until we go bk to uni 8D fingers crossed it looks good in the end !!!!

Trip To London!!!!

Finally got a day off work and had a day trip in London with Mum and Dad, as well as meeting up with Julio and meeting Victor 

So on my last post i spoke about testing the camera, getting used to it, for when i get my own..... well i ended up buying it off him, so know i have my own camera

 trip down brick lane, i love the are work hidden round every corner
 London Bridge!!!
 Mum and Dad, got them playing in the act hehe

 sneaky zoom shot of dad drinking i was sitting on the floor when i took this picture hehe
 Really testing my big lens, with the zoom factor !!!
 Meet Julio(left) and Victor (right, his boyfriend) they both took me to this hill that showed this amazing view of the howl of London
 They thought i didn't get them, i love having a fast camera that takes a picture as soon as u click the button.